Friday, March 16, 2012

What child do you love the most?

One question that you may not get asked as a mom in America is "What child do you love the most?" I had heard that question just a couple of times in the first 14 months that we were here, but now being back with a boy, I have heard it twice in the two weeks we have been here. Kirk has also been asked it a few times. I was also asked yesterday if my girls hit Abram. I said "no, they love
him very much." She went on to tell me that her daughters always hit her son; but before she had told me that her son was the favorite. And when she asked me which I love the most and I answered that I loved them the same, she replied, "no, surely you love one just a little more then the other." The jealously that her girls must feel to her son. I know when a new baby is born the others may feel jealous just because of the time the mom spends with the new baby, but what if along with that you knew that he was the favorite.

What must it feel like for a child to know they are not the favorite, or even to know that they are? Either would be such a horrible feeling, yet it is very common here for a mother to say that she loves one and that the other is stupid or she doesn't love him/her as much. Can you imagine your mother always saying in front of you that your sibling is her favorite? I can not!!! How can these people know the love of the Father when they do not even know unconditional love from their parents.

As I was telling Kirk this story, Ayden asked why a mom would love one child more then another. Of course, I have no answer for that but then we did talk about the story of Joseph and how Jacob loved him the most and the problems that caused in his family. As I thought about that, I thought that may be the next story I learn in Arabic. That may be a good story to tell and then somehow bridge to how the Father loves us all and sent His Son for each of us. Just thinking of ways I can turn the question of love into being able to talk about Truth.

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