The first day they worked on our roof, they also had to replace our water tank. Which meant no running water for the day. Well to start with we thought it was just going to be for a couple of hours, but we were wrong. That was the day they also brought the sand to fix the roof. They brought the sand that morning and thinking we were only going to be out of water for a couple of hours, I let the kids play in the sand pile. They had so much fun, until they were ready to come in and we had no water to clean them. Earlier in the day, it wasn't so bad, they were just a little dusty so we dusted them off and they came in, then that afternoon when we just knew they would have the tank done soon, we let them play again, this time knowing that they could not come in until we could put them in the tub. Well that didn't work, we ended up not having running water until about 9:30 that night. So about 7:00 I brought them in and Kirk went and bought 2 big jugs of water and I heated it on the stove and made them stand wash tub thing (that i use for dishes, usually) and I bathed them each with that little bit of water. I felt like I was in a little house on the prairie book. It wasn't their favorite thing but we got it done. Can't imagine never having running water like so many around us. How thankful I am for technology, while in this whole process our electricity went off, oh, how thankful I am for our generator!!! Can't imagine getting all that done by candle light.
I thought a lot that night of my neighbors that I cooked with a couple of weeks ago. They have no running water in the kitchen and maybe not anywhere in the house. How much do I have to be thankful for!!! I should never complain about anything!!!!
picture below is of Abram getting his bath after the sandy day. That was the "tub" all the girls had their baths in too. Of course, had to put fresh water in for each, it was quite brown after each one :)

sand mix with really dry skin (we are all still getting use to the very dry climate) made a kind of miserable night for the girls. Their legs were burning, this is Ayden trying to cool down a bit. However, it didn't stop them and they were out their the next day in the sand again.
Our kids love sand and I hate the clean up process of it. Our tub is also dirty when ours finish with our make shift sand pit outside too! Not sure if you have any or can get any, but I have very dry, itchy skin too and I've found that coconut oil helps the best with it.