Friday, March 16, 2012

wanting a baby

Another friend of mine has been married now for a couple of years. (This is a different one then the one I mentioned when we were home). This lady I just love!!! I only met her a few months before we left, but she is just so sweet. I'll call her "Jemeela" arabic for beautiful, and she is!!! On the outside and on the inside. She is so patient with me. She will sit and listen and try to help me with my arabic for hours, she never gets frustrated or aggravated with me, she is just patient and kind. However, she is really not from my city, she is from the south. Her family was from here and most of them are still here, but before she was born her father moved to the south. So she never met many of her relatives. When she was of age to marry, her father wanted her to marry someone from within the family (still very common here) and so he sent her up here to marry her first cousin. Yes, you did just read that correctly! So now she is living with her aunt/mother-in-law here. Her husband, whom she seems to really like is not here most of the time. He works in another country for 6 or 8 months, sometimes longer and then he comes home for a few months. He is home now, and she is trying desperately to get pregnant. I know she really wants a baby, she loves children! But I know also that some of wanting a baby may come from fear of him taking another wife or divorcing her if she does not give him a child. Please remember her, that she will have a baby and that her baby will not have any birth defects, something that could easily happen since they are so closely related. That she will know who the giver of true Life is through all of this. Her husband will be here for about 2 more months, and I don't know how much I'll get to see her while he is home. I did give her a book before I left and she said she had been reading it, please help her to keep reading and even read with her husband.

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