so much to unpack and go through!
Wow, it is good to be back. Of course, leaving your house for a year does mean a lot of cleaning when you get home! We had some unwanted guest (mice) when we arrived back. Some how the covers for the drains in floor of the kitchen and the wash room were off. Every room had to be cleaned and everything had to be washed. But it is all done now and we have settled in to our home. We had so much fun unpacking our suitcases and going through all that was here and all that we brought back with us. The girls had forgotten most of their toys so it was like everything in the house was new again. Kirk and I felt the same way when we opened our closets and they were pretty full of clothes. When we left I was pregnant so I had basically left all my clothes here. How exciting, it was like everything was new!
One of my favorite things about returning home was the weather! It was nice and warm but not too hot, perfect. And I love how fast my clothes dry. In Jordan we were hanging out clothes and it would take 3 or 4 days to dry, if they did and then they would stink. After returning here I pretty much washed all the clothes we wore in Jordan again and they would dry on the line in less then 2 hours. It was great!
For those who want to know, we also were able to get Miley, or dog back. She has had a rough year, her hair was all matted down and very long. we spent a couple of hours a day for a few days, shaving her back and cutting her face and legs. Now we can see her eyes. It took her a few days to adjust back, but she is beginning to settle back in. Her time with the families from our people group were probably really hard, dogs aren't always treated the best here. But she did end up with an Ethiopian couple that loved her and took care of her. They have called more then once to check on her and make sure that she is okay. We believed she really helped them get through the really bad days of fighting here. When they were trapped inside listening to bombs go off and now knowing what was going on. We were thankful that she ended up being a help instead of a burden for someone.
Soooo glad y'all are home and Miley is ok! So neat that she was able to minister too!