Sunday, July 10, 2011

dr. visit

Today was Abram's 2 week appointment and his very first shot :(

But these are his measurements from the first appointment and from today.
At one week:
weight 4.2 kg - 9.2 lbs
height 55 cm - 21.7 inches
head cir. 36 cm - 14.2 inches

and today
weight 4.55 kg - 10 lbs
and they didn't take the other measurements today.

He is growing sooo fast, it makes me sad.

The pictures below is him resting this afternoon after his shots.


We finally got to hold Abram for a while (when it wasn't in the middle of the night). Usually he looks like he does in the pics below. The girls are always asking to hold him and they never want to put him down.

Every once in a while he gets put down in his make shift seat (his bath tub). here the girls got to pick the blankets
that went over and under him and of course they wanted to use their own. Poor boy, he will always be surrounded
by purple and pink if the girls have anything to do with it.


Here is me and Abram getting ready to go out. I really like this new sling, he sleeps so good in there and I still have both hands free to hold on to annie lynne and addie.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

abram and a baby doll

Abram wasn't very happy when annie lynne tried to make him share his "bed" with her baby doll! She really wanted a picture of him with it, but he never stopped screaming, i think Kirk was a little proud of him :)

just more pics

The girls are still loving on him all the time. They love holding him and talking to him and singing to him. Not sure he knows how to lay down by himself, since he is held all the time!!!

first bath

Abram survived his first bath!!! The girls were so excited to give him his first bath, but I don't think he was as excited to be getting it. Annie Lynne thought it was so fun to squeeze the wash cloth over his head and face and then we had a little extra soap in the water so Abram was nice and slippery! With 6 little extra hands and 3 wash cloths he was good and clean and I think he was very thankful when it was all over!
but he did smell good!