Saturday, April 2, 2011

another thought

Something else that we have spent time really thinking about and dealing with is that when we left it was very hard. It was hard to know who to spend that last day with, who to call, who to text, and who to go see and visit with one more time. Then once we got here it was really hard not to second guess yourself, did I say the right thing, have i said enough, should I have called this person or gone to see that one. And it wasn't just us struggling with this as we talked to others it was kind of of common thread. But how little do we think of our Father. He loves the people much more than us, He allows us to be part of His work, He doesn't need me. Yes, we should be diligent to share and learn the lang. so we can speak to people; but He is just allowing us to be part of His plan and purpose for these people, He doesn't need me. He can do the work and will continue the work whether or not Kirk and I or there. We love the people and we want to be home and to be involved in what is going on in our city; and the Father has given us a heart for these peoples; but He still loves them way more then I ever could and He will still continue His work, and in His awesome way He will use the conversations we have had and the books we have given out. How Awesome is our Father that He chooses to use us; but what a great reminder that He allows us to be part of His great plan, but He really does not need us!

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