The first day here we went to a big mall to the food court to eat, for those in Louisiana, it makes the mall of Louisiana look really small. I was a little over whelmed and just deciding what to eat was more then i could take at the moment. So we decided on McDonalds and the girls were excited! we then had ice cream afterward for dessert and it was a lot fun. Kirk then went to the grocery store, which makes super walmart look small, I knew i couldn't handle that so me and the girls came back to where we are staying and napped. Kirk came home with about 5 things and said even the bread section was enormous he couldn't decide what to buy. The funny part was the girls went to sleep about 2:30 for their naps and they didn't wake up until about 5:30 the next morning, think they were a little worn out!!!!!
I think we have had more culture shock coming here then when we moved to our 3rd world country.
But we have enjoyed the food and they even have 1 pork store in the city so we have eaten ham sandwiches for at least 5 meals in the last week :)
we also have a tree for the girls to climb in, what else can you ask for!

Ice cream and the golden arches! Who could ask for more?!?!?