Wednesday, October 31, 2012

my friend

This story is actually a few weeks old, but it took me a while to process before I could figure out what to write.  I was visiting my friend and I knew she had a rough life, like so many of the women here, but I didn't realize how bad it was.  I could tell from the moment I got there that she was upset and something was wrong.  The night before her and her husband had gotten into a fight.  He hits her pretty regularly, I think.  And he also hits the kids, and I have even seen burn marks on them that she said came from him putting out is cigarets on them.  As she was talking that day she was telling me that at night he comes home around 10:00 after "chewing" and he doesn't go to sleep until 3:00 or 4:00, She cleans a building and has to leave her house by 6:00 so she gets little sleep, because most of the time he makes her stay up with him.  (I have heard from a few ladies that it is wrong for them to go to bed while their husband is still up.)  He will stay up some nights and watch "bad movies" on his computer.  They don't have internet but she says he will download them somewhere else and then watch them in front of her.  It is just a really bad situation.  She was in such despair and even shared how much she wants him dead and even thinks about killing him.
I was sitting there trying to figure out how I comfort and love this lady and what I should even say to her.  I was with a "like-minded" friend and so that helped as we processed what she was telling us.  In this country there really is nothing to "do" for these ladies, he is not breaking any law and there is no battered women's clinic.  So we told her about the Father's love for her and we told her about how when we hate in our heart that to the Father it is the same as actually killing that person, that G@d sees our hearts (we said this because she said that he fear of G@d was the only thing keeping her from killing him).  I think for some reason felt I should share about forgiveness. and I even started with "I know this is going to be a hard concept, but"  and then I shared about when my sister had been murdered and how hard it was to forgive the men who did that and I could never do it on my own, that I could only with the help of the Father and the realization of what he had forgiven me of and saved me from.  And that we must forgive others because He has forgiven us.  I also shared that without forgiveness we will never be able to move on and be joyful.  We both shared with her that we know her life has been hard and we are not saying that it will ever be any easier, but that through the Son she can have peace and joy.  She allowed us to pr.. for her before leaving so we were very thankful for that.  Please remember her with me that she would come to realize that he Father loves her and has made a way for her to have a relationship with Him.
Also please just remember me, these conversations are so hard.  I came home and told Kirk "i'm not qualified for this, I need a degree in counseling." He reassured me that the Father will give me all I need, but sometimes I feel so inadequate to be sharing with these ladies.

1 comment:

  1. Read this post days ago and can't get it out of my mind. Lifting y'all up daily and asking for wisdom for yall.
