Saturday, June 23, 2012

baby party

My teacher's sister had a baby a little over a week ago.  Here the lady sits in her home or her mom's home for somewhere between 20 and 40 days.  It use to always be 40 but some women don't like to sit that long or they have other small children they need to take care of.  So everyday, friends and family come over to see the mom.  Somedays are more important, like a party with music, dancing, food, ect.  Other days are just normal days, drink tea and just chat.  Everyday varies on the number of ladies that come.  This was just a normal day and there were only a couple of other women there, thats when I like to go.  The last day is the most important, lots of people, music, Koren readings, etc.  I really don't like to go on the last day, it is always too loud to talk and the baby is usually in the other room and there is so many people that it is very hot.  But sometimes if it is a close friend or family you really do need to go on the last day.  Anyway the baby below was only 6 days old, they still weren't set on her name yet and she was tiny, the mom told me when she was born she was only 1.5 kilos which is a little over 3 lbs.  It felt a little bigger to me, but not much. Just saying that because sometimes the weight is a guess.  They don't always weigh them at the hospital.  I also got to hear the "baby story"  The mom was planning on having the baby at home but a doctor had told her the feet were down (ultra sounds are very common here) that is really about all the doctor does is look at an ultra sound.  Anyway since the feet were down they told her she really should deliver in a hospital.  So she did, she delivered in the hospital and the cord was wrapped around the next of the baby.  She said her baby was completely blue.  The doctor did cut the cord and a few minutes later the baby was okay.  Because of this problem they made the mom stay at the hospital for 2 hours (yes i just said hours!)  most the time the mom would leave as soon as the baby is born, within 30 minutes.  That is not the end of the story, I don't know anything about the medical side of things but she said that she delivered the afterbirth at her house.  Would not think that would be safe 2 hours later.  I would also say it wouldn't be as sanitary, but her house is probably cleaner then the hospital.  I listened to a different baby story later in the week and she was telling me the hospital was so crowded that women were laying and delivering on the concrete floor.  That can't be sanitary or comfortable!!!  
With all that said, it sure is a cute baby!!!  And Ayden and I enjoyed sitting and holding this very tiny little girl.  Please be thinking about her and her mom, Ayden and I thought about her while we were holding her, just asking that she would grow up knowing the Truth.

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