Sunday, May 27, 2012

adoption and inheritance

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with my teacher as we talked about how we view adoption.  She told me a sad story of a baby that was left at a door step, the family living in that house took the little girl in and have loved her now for about 8 years.  They have taken great care of this little girl and she said that the little girl is the favorite (there was already 13 kids in the family) but she said the little girls knew that she didn't have a mom and dad and when the mom and dad die she will not get any inheritance.  I tried to explain that if I adopted a child that child would be part of our family and treated just the same as our other children, even legally she would have the same rights.  I gave her a couple of different examples of families who had adopted that also had their own children.  She really could not believe that this would not cause problems between the children, surely they would be jealous or want more of the inheritance.  I talked about how the difference comes from a different belief.  We believe that God has adopted us into His family and therefore we can share in the inheritance.  One more hurdle to cross when sharing the Truth.  Believing you can really never be part of another family.  I am so thankful that the Father has given us this example and that we can be part of His family!

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