Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Merry Christmas 


It is always hard not being "home" for the holidays.  But we 
had a fun day with the kids, especially watching them opening gifts.
For their last gift from us they had to go on a scavenger hunt.  It was a lot
of fun and then it ended it the girls room with their gifts there. Here is Abram 
when he found his "car."

Addie and Annie Lynne each got an American Girl doll
that they have been asking for the last year.  They love
dolls and these will get lots of special attention!!! 
 Ayden got a magic kit, she is always wanting to play tricks on us
and now she has some tools!

 After cleaning up lots of sticky drool, I decided the bathtub
was the only good place for him to eat his candy cane!

Our tank problem

One of our water tanks fell over.  So on Christmas Eve Kirk spent the day
trying to drain the water out of that tank and into the other one.  It is never
a good thing to lose that much water!!!  Of course, Abram had to "help"
every step of the way.  

Local School Bus

This is not an uncommon sight, but every time we are behind a truck filled
with people like this one, especially kids, I hold my breath!  These kids all
had on their uniforms, so they must be returning home from school.  
They thought it was so funny when they saw me taking a picture of them
from our van, and they all started waving and posing.  We still have a little
ways to go before they have real seat belt laws that are enforced :)

Christmas Party

I did a Christmas party for some neighbors and friends.  About
20 women ended up coming and about 10 kids.
I wish I could have taken pictures, but all the women had 
their faces uncovered so no cameras allowed!
It was crazy! but a lot of fun.  I had made lots of 
sugar cookies and icing for them to decorate and 
thanks to a friend from the states, I had some angel
ornaments for them to make.  They loved
decorating the cookies and doing the ornaments. 
It was a lot of fun to watch.  I was also able to talk a little
about why we celebrate Christmas and show a movie in 
their language about who Christmas is about!

 The kids got to each decorate one as examples before the crowd arrived.
 This was all the food I made, lots of American goodies!  However, the biggest
hit was the store bought pretzels.  Next year I won't spend so much time
in the kitchen!

Abram and G

Abram loves G now.  I'm studying 5 days a week so they have lots
of time together!  She is always dressing him up and taking him out
side to swing.  It is so nice for me not to have to think/worry about
him while I'm trying to study.

Dressing up

All the kids like it when the nationals will dress them up.
No matter how much I practice I can never get it just like them. 

Our trip out!

At the beginning of December we had the wonderful opportunity to
have a week in Dubai.  It was a lot of fun!!!  We didn't realize how tired
we were until after we had been there for a few days and got relaxed!
The last few months at home have been good, but hard!!!  So it was
great to really be able to relax for a while.

 Abram is going to be a beach bum just like the girls!
He loved it!!!!

 It was so strange to be in the Middle East and out in public and not be
all covered.  Not even wearing a head scarf! 

 On the Metro!  It was exciting the first time for the girls.
 They took baths everyday! And the first day they even took two!
Ayden said "were not at home anymore! 2 baths in one day!
 Behind the kiddos is the tallest building in the world.
 We had a fun day at the Children's Museum.
 On the plane home.  Abram and I fighting over the pacifier.
It really was a great relaxing trip, but it was good to be back.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

my friend

This story is actually a few weeks old, but it took me a while to process before I could figure out what to write.  I was visiting my friend and I knew she had a rough life, like so many of the women here, but I didn't realize how bad it was.  I could tell from the moment I got there that she was upset and something was wrong.  The night before her and her husband had gotten into a fight.  He hits her pretty regularly, I think.  And he also hits the kids, and I have even seen burn marks on them that she said came from him putting out is cigarets on them.  As she was talking that day she was telling me that at night he comes home around 10:00 after "chewing" and he doesn't go to sleep until 3:00 or 4:00, She cleans a building and has to leave her house by 6:00 so she gets little sleep, because most of the time he makes her stay up with him.  (I have heard from a few ladies that it is wrong for them to go to bed while their husband is still up.)  He will stay up some nights and watch "bad movies" on his computer.  They don't have internet but she says he will download them somewhere else and then watch them in front of her.  It is just a really bad situation.  She was in such despair and even shared how much she wants him dead and even thinks about killing him.
I was sitting there trying to figure out how I comfort and love this lady and what I should even say to her.  I was with a "like-minded" friend and so that helped as we processed what she was telling us.  In this country there really is nothing to "do" for these ladies, he is not breaking any law and there is no battered women's clinic.  So we told her about the Father's love for her and we told her about how when we hate in our heart that to the Father it is the same as actually killing that person, that G@d sees our hearts (we said this because she said that he fear of G@d was the only thing keeping her from killing him).  I think for some reason felt I should share about forgiveness. and I even started with "I know this is going to be a hard concept, but"  and then I shared about when my sister had been murdered and how hard it was to forgive the men who did that and I could never do it on my own, that I could only with the help of the Father and the realization of what he had forgiven me of and saved me from.  And that we must forgive others because He has forgiven us.  I also shared that without forgiveness we will never be able to move on and be joyful.  We both shared with her that we know her life has been hard and we are not saying that it will ever be any easier, but that through the Son she can have peace and joy.  She allowed us to pr.. for her before leaving so we were very thankful for that.  Please remember her with me that she would come to realize that he Father loves her and has made a way for her to have a relationship with Him.
Also please just remember me, these conversations are so hard.  I came home and told Kirk "i'm not qualified for this, I need a degree in counseling." He reassured me that the Father will give me all I need, but sometimes I feel so inadequate to be sharing with these ladies.

Monday, October 29, 2012


The big "Eid" or holiday is this week.  The first day of it was 
Friday and this is at a butcher shop the day before.  Every family
buys a goat, lamb, or small calf to butcher on the "eid."  There
were so many goats everywhere in the city!!!  On the first day of
the holiday we went and visited some friends.  It was great to spend
time with them but right before we were going to leave they brought out
a pot of food.  I did not recognize the dish but the lady of the house
reached down in the pot and pulled out the "special" piece of "meat" for
me to eat.  After asking many questions I realized that I was eating the
stomach lining of the goat they had slaughtered that morning.
Addie was sitting next to me and wanted to try it, of course
she did not know what it was.  She liked the taste and thankfully
ate most of it for me.  Of course, when they saw Addie eating it 
they found another piece for me!  I did manage to get it down, and
the taste wasn't that bad but the texture is something I would never want
to eat again!!!!  After that visit Abram and I were sick for two days, don't know
if it was that or something else but who knows!  I just loved being the 
"special" guest when we go places :)

G's Birthday!

The lady who has been watching our kids for a couple of years now
celebrated her B-day a few days a go.  The girls and Abram love her and it 
was great to be able to celebrate with her!!!

our little tiger

Kirk painted Annie Lynne's face the other day.  She loved it!!!

pumpkin village

There is a place on the outside of the city that we call 
pumpkin village.  We had a great day being out of the city and 
just letting the girls run, play, and climb!  It was a lot of fun
and I even got to talk to some of the shepherdesses out their tending
their sheep.  It was a great day!  
 On the way home we stopped and bought some pumpkins.
I made pumpkin pies and pumpkin cookies, all from scratch! 
A first for me!!!

our little boy!

Abram is growing so fast!!!  He has already figured out how to get
up on his windowsill and that wasn't enough so here is sitting
on a toy on the windowsill.  I guess this is why he always has 
bruises on his head, he is always falling of something.

 I thought we were weaning him from his pacifier instead
it has gotten much worse, and now he has figured out
how to suck on two at a time!!!
 The other day Abram got the cartoon of eggs and
decided to crack every one of them, before any of us
noticed he was missing.  He was such a mess to 
clean up and the floor was horrible, but he seemed to enjoyed it!

School Days

School, School, School!!!
 Really hoping that the computer can teach Annie 
Lynne to read :)  When I'm busy with the other girls
this is what she gets to do.
 Addie is getting better and better at reading and writing.
Here she is writing her spelling words on the board.
 Ayden doing her favorite subject... reading.  
Even Miley does school with us; when the girls make her :)

Happy B-day Annie Lynne!

Our little girl turned 5 on Oct. 10.  I can't believe she is already 5!!!
We did her "party" a few days early because Kirk was leaving with
Abram for Dubai.  She was very excited about her b-day and it was a lot of 
fun.  It ended up that Kirk did make it home for her real b-day, he got home 
that night.

 This is on the morning of her B-day.  We always celebrate with a 
cinnamon roll in the shape of the number of years.  This was a lot
easier when we could buy cinnamon rolls in a can :)

 She was very excited when Kirk got home that night and he had a 
gift from Dubai for her!!!