Since leaving America our children have not had vaccines. So we decided to catch them all up while we are here and it is a bit cheaper! I think Annielynne needed 7, Addie I think had 6 and Ayden only need 3. We did these all over a two or three week span and with 3 dr. visits. But we are all caught up now, except for Kirk and I still need one more. We also had to have blood test just to make sure everything is good. Getting blood from little girls is not an easy thing! They did great through the first set of shots, no tears!!! But after having to get blood drawn the second and third set of shots wasn't near as fun for poor little Addie. They had a really hard time getting the blood and then they had a bad test and we had to go back the next day and they had to redo it. Not fun!!! So for the last set of shots Kirk had to hold her down while she was screaming, it was crazy and a far cry from the first set when they were all excited to be going to the doctor. It was so funny the first time they went, they were really excited to be going, crazy kids I have!!! I guess since it had been almost two years since they had seen a doctor they forgot what it was really like. But Ayden even after the shots and blood being drawn she was still all about it, wanting to watch everything, she says now she wants to be a nurse! She loves watching Abram get his check up and shots. Crazy girl!!!
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