But it was an interesting experience. It is HUGE!!! So much to see, if you are at all interested in Egyptian history it is the place to go. But going in the summer is not a good idea, it is a huge building that does not have air conditioning. Also not the greatest place for kids, because after seeing a couple of statues and mummies, they all start looking very similar. We did all enjoy going into the room with King Tut's belongings, it was a small room that had air conditioning and everything was labeled so you could read about what you were looking at, plus it was just incredible!!! However, other than that room, not many things are labeled, so most of the time you have no idea what or who you are looking at. It was good though for the girls to see and we had lots of talks about what they believed as we looked at statues of their "gods." We talked about how with the mummies they put a mask over their face and painted it to look like that person so that the "gods" would know who it was; Ayden said "their god was pretty small if he couldn't even recognize them, i'm glad we have a God that is a lot more knowing then that." How true, i'm also very thankful that we serve a God that is all knowing and all powerful. So it was a great place to go and have some spiritual talks!

We went to Cairo because we needed to get new visas but we also went to help Mandy find an apartment there. It was Eid when we were there so we actually did most of our apartment looking at night. Here we are waiting in the lobby of this apartment building for the real estate guy to get the key so we could look at the apartment. Addie had had enough and poor Mandy ended up carrying her around the apartment and then down the 9 flights of stairs! (We were there to help her, but I think she really helped me even more!) We took the stairs down, because going up in the elevator was a little scary!
We also rode on the metro, Abram's first metro experience; and not something I would like to do often. The doors open and close so fast, i was afraid we wouldn't all make it on! But thankfully it was not as crowded as it usually is, an we all made it. Thankfully Mandy was with us so I had help, because the men are actually in one car and the women in another so I didn't have Kirk to help me with the kids.

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