Annie lynne has decided to become attached to a toy, she has had her favorites in the past but has never been so attached as she is now to "red rover." He is a hard plastic game that she got in Oct for her B-day, but has recently become very attached too. He sleeps with her, eats with her, goes on visits when she comes with me, if we leave the house rover is with us. Then the other day she decided it was rover's b-day so we had a piece of cake and sang happy birthday to a plastic dog who she decided turned 4. That girl is so crazy!

Since Rover had a party the next day Addie decided that it was "baby ashley's" b-day so we did the party thing all over again. This time we sang happy b-day in english and in arabic. the arabic b-day song is addie's favorite thing to sing. Think ashley turned 3 addie decided!
LOVE the candle! And I put our dogs through way worse. I used to dress them up as babies and make them sit like a baby and push them in an umbrella stroller around the neighbor hood.