I went out walking today with a friend, we went to another area of the city to just walk and pray. Right before we were about to catch a taxi we were invited into a home. It was an interesting experience all the way around and Abram got to have his first cultural experience. After we had been there a while it was time for Abram to eat, I asked the mom of the family if there was another room I could sit in to feed him as here in Jordan men and women visit together so her husband and sons were in there with us. She took Abram and was leading me to another room and she realized his diaper was really wet. So as she is walking down the hall she unbuttons his clothes and takes his diaper off and throws it on the floor. Then she brings him into the bathroom to wash him. Instead of wipes they just run them under water. So she sticks his booty under the cold water and uses her had to wash him all over down there (using no soap) and then uses the same hand and washes his face and head. Of course, he is screaming through this. Then she brings him in the room and lays him on the bed and I had by now gotten out the burp cloth to dry him with so she dries him and then proceeds to tell me the way his diaper was was wrong and she show me how to put on a diaper correctly. (i was thinking, I do have 4 kids) But I didn't say anything, she then shows me how to fold a cloth diaper and tell me that would be better. which i'm sure it would, but I do not want to clean that!!!
Anyway, it was so funny and Abram survived.
The family itself was interesting to visit with, they knew no english, so it was a challenge but it was good Arabic practice, something I have not gotten a lot of since being in this country. The mom and dad had been married for 30 years and they got married when she was 13 and she has had 10 kids, but one died. So know they have 9 and most of them live in that house still. It was a little weird for me because in our other country the men would never have stayed in the room but here we visited with the whole family. Of course, finding out we were American they wanted us to help their children find American spouses, always something we are asked. But please remember this family, we gave them our number, but I don't know if they will call, but when I had the mom alone, while i was feeding Abram, she told me that it has been a hard 30 years, i don't think they have a very happy marriage. Hopefully we will be able to talk to them again and tell them more about where true Joy comes from and that there is a God that loves her.