Friday, October 22, 2010


Busy week, We put Ayden in a national school, and it has been interesting! Of course, i have stayed with her the entire time, and I have learned so much about the govt. schools and about culture in general. It has been a real eye opener. She goes from 1:00 pm until about 4. But we have come to the conclusion that it is not a place that we would ever fell comfortable leaving her, so we don't know how long she will be able to go. We are going look at a private school tomorrow and then from there we will make a decision that school is from about 7:30am - 1pm. (a little more of a school day). Still having to homeschool and her go to school and kirk and I having our lang. class has been a lot so we will have to figure it out. She loves being with the other kids and she is picking up some of the lang. so we hope we can work something out.

1 comment:

  1. Love her backpack. Glad she is liking the schools though. Whichever one she goes to, I'm sure she will be a light!
