This is the playground at one of our favorite restaurants, they have the best chicken shawarmas! But the playground makes me a little nervous. Hope you can see from the pictures, it is all made out of medal and has these big steps with nothing between them. Annielynne has to be so careful not to fall through. and then where the steps change directions there is a big hole there so she has to hold on tight to the side and go around the big hole. CRAZY! Then at the top the bars are so far apart she could just fall right through. Of course, I am the only one nervous about this, they think it is a great playground, especially since the slide is super fast! I learned the word for monkey and so that is what I have been calling them. No fear, they just climb up on everything. And Ayden doesn't understand why I wont let them go out on the playground while I'm still sitting and eating.
Even though the playground makes me nervous, it is worth it for the shawarmas and humas at this place!

um yeah, I would be a nervous wreck! So interesting how different their playground is and their idea of safety is!