Friday, June 11, 2010


Sorry it has been so long since i posted last. We have been so busy, which is a great thing! Lots of visits and I even got to go to a school for special needs children, mom you would love it, they have a room for babies, and they always need extra help. You could go sit in there and hold a baby all day!
So between visits and being sick twice in the last few weeks things have been a little crazy.

one quick story, when i was sick our house helper G was here watching the kids, she comes everyday to watch them while we do school. She is sweet and wanted to help take care of me. I hadn't eaten in a while and she was convinced that i needed something. so she kept asking me, (even waking me up to do so) to eat some rice white. (she was saying it in arabic and the adj. always comes after the noun) so of course i thought she just meant plain white rice. so i finally agreed to eat a little. well she came back about 30 min. later with a bowl FULL of rice. she woke me up to give it to me, with hot tea, minus the sugar and i didn't have my glasses on. I took the bowl and the rice seamed a little wet so in my american mind i'm thinking maybe a little butter. I take a bite to find out that the rice is floating in yogurt!
Now that maybe something that you like (and yes i know yogurt is good for you), but I hate yogurt!. i only eat the ones with all the fruit so that you can't really taste the yogurt.
anyway, what to do, here i sit with this bowl knowing she will be back in a few minutes to make sure i have eaten it. Thankfully about that time annielynne came in to check on me, and she is kind of like a dog, she will eat just about anything. I pawn some of it off on her and then before G came back in a hide some at the bottom of the trash can. (yes i kind of felt 5 years old hiding my food, but didn't want to hurt her feelings and was not going to eat it all or even most) I did manage to get down a couple of bites so i could be honest in saying i ate some. but that mixed with sugarless tea, was not a great combination for me!
sometimes even being sick can even be a cultural experience!

oh yea, Becky, get ready when you do come visit me, one of the favorite dishes here for lunch is some kind of bread covered in yogurt (which makes the bread a little wet, just like you like it) and then some seasoning that gives it kind of a green color. Kirk, of course likes it, but I just eat enough to be polite, and i eat a lot of something else to cover up that. but can't wait for you to try it!!! I'll be sure and tell them how much you like wet bread! ha ha


  1. you just keep saying all these enticing things...if i ever do get there i'm gonna be scared and starved to death, but of course if Ayden can survive surely i can do it, and i can just picture kirk slopping up the wet bread :p

  2. wet bread...boy, you should work for the tourism department!
