I will post more pics later but two of these are probably the most interesting I have. One is a lamb and if you look closely you can see he has a leg growing out of his head, pretty interesting to see!!! and then there is the craziest, right before we were going to leave we heard the lions making some noise so we went back over there. Now they have about 6 lion cages with about 5 lions in each one. When we got back up there by the lions we could see that two workers (not lion trainer, just people that clean the cages and feed the animals) were in the cage with 5 girl lions and they were teasing one. they had something in their hand like a broom stick or something and they would like swing around her face and she would growl and swipe her paw at them. It was the craziest thing I have ever seen. Two grown men "playing" with an untrained lion! I filmed a little and took a couple of pictures and the girls wanted to stay an watch, but I just couldn't, I did not want them to see a man get really hurt or killed so we walked off, but right before we did the lion had jump to another big rock and so all 5 were together and one of them jump up on the rock with them and kept teasing, I could not believe it, the craziest part was the lions were between them and the door so it wasn't like they could just run out of the pen if they needed too. So needless to say it was an interesting day!
oh yea, the one pic. of annielynne, she is feeding the monkeys popcorn. (no rules at this zoo about feeding the animals) they even had these little iron rods going into the cage and you could throw food in those and the monkeys would come right up to it. we were giving them pop corn and then we saw some man pouring orange soda down it and the monkeys were lapping it up, to funny! It was a huge cage and it probably had 100 monkeys the girls stay at that spot for a long time just watching all the monkeys and feeding them.
Good day lots of laughs in disbelief!
I guess by now nothing should surprise me here, yet it seems like everyday I am surprised by something!!!

This sounds so fun!!! This would be a perfect zoo for Daddy, since he never abides by the zoo rules anyway right!?!?