Every once in a while it would sprinkle in the afternoon, but we finally had our first big rain and the girls loved it. Addie had just came in and got a towel which is why she is not in the picture, but Ayden and Annielynne stayed outside in it for a long time! They got the bucket to catch all the water that was falling from the roof and then they splashed around and poured it on each other, they had a great time! But when it rains sandals are not an options, the streets get so bad and after just a few hours our street was covered in water. The good thing is that since it is so dry here the water is gone in no time.
But when your out walking, you need to watch out one of our neighbors has a pipe coming out from the roof to drain all the water and the pipe sticks out so far that if you are in the street by there house you will get drenched!!! It was a fun day in the rain!
This looks fun!!