Sunday, February 7, 2010

Best News

It has been a while since I have had time to write, but the best thing happened to us on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010. Ayden became my sister, not just my daughter. That morning I was laying in bed reading in Matthew and Ayden came in and wanted me to read to her. She asked lots of questions when I got done and then wanted to know what she needed to do to live with Jesus forever. I went to Romans and went through some of the verses there with her and she said she wanted to pray. It was so sweet and through many tears she asked for forgiveness for her sins and that the Spirit would come live in her. Kirk new that we were talking about this so he was in the other room praying for her. When she got done praying she went into the living room and told Kirk what she had done. It was so sweet, and she cried in her daddy's arms for a minute. We were very excited and so thankful that our Father answered this prayer for us. Please pray that she would continue to grow in the Lord.


  1. What a wonderful thing! Praise God for His goodness and thank you for sharing with us
