Wednesday, October 21, 2009

good day, sad night

we had another good day at school. Daddy brought us to school this morning, mama had an early meeting. We had fun playing with him before school! After school daddy picked us up, mama had another meeting, but we didn't mind cause daddy took us to the kids library, so fun! addie and annie lynne picked out a book and mama read them tonight to us. after the library daddy had a meeting so mama took us to one of the playgrounds we had not been to yet. This campus had FOUR playgrounds!!! we love it!!!
the day was good, but tonight when mama was reading out of the "Little House" book (we are on book 4) Laura's dog, Jack, died. I cried and cried and mama laid in bed with us until i went to sleep. Long day and many more to come, I'm sure. But God is Good and He will give us the grace and peace we need, just like He did Laura. So thankful that we serve a God that is in control of all things!


  1. Hello Ayden. Bryce and Brylie just left my house for piano lessons with Claire. We played games. It would be much more fun if you were here too.
    I think it is cool you have FOUR playgrounds.

    Momma and I are reading American girl dolls, Kirsten. It was sad too because her friend on the ship died. I guess both our books had sad things in them, but mine was not all sad.

  2. Sarah is the one talking in the post before. I am glad you have a neat library to go too and that you all get to go to four playgrounds. I am praying for your time in school. Ayden, I know you will be a great student, I would have loved to have had you in one of my classes when I taught in a classroom long ago. I loved when I taught children who loved God and you would definitely be one of those.
    I love you Miss Ellen
