Ayden lost another tooth tonight. She was so excited!!!
Over the last two days i think she has shown everyone on campus her missing tooth smile, and now they will all have to see the smile again with two missing!
We have had a busy week but are so thankful the girls are well. We are learning so much everyday we do not want to miss anything!!!
In the middle of all of our business we do have time to laugh and Ayden and Addie gave us lots to laugh about last night. While I was running bath water last night and undressing Annie Lynne, Addie undressed herself and ran out into the living room. Of course our living room we share with others and they were all in there talking. Of course Kirk made her run back to the bathroom and when she got in the tub Ayden was waiting. As I listened from the other room I heard Ayden tell Addie "don't you know the bible tells us to cover our bodies, i can't believe you just did that, you are never suppose to uncover in front of other people." This went on for about two or three minutes. Addie did get her laugh from everybody, but she also got the lecture from Ayden, not sure if she thought it was worth it or not.