Wednesday, December 15, 2010
sunflower seeds
Another culture shock! Kirk found some sunflower seeds the other day, so he bought a big bag. After we got them home found out that they didn't quite taste like the ones in the states. These had vinegar on them or something. We just couldn't eat them so we were planning on giving them to someone here. The bag was still on the table yesterday when some of our neighbors came over to play. Without our knowledge the girls got into the sunflower seeds, which would have been fine if they would have eaten them and spit the seeds in the garbage or outside; but not these kids instead they spit the shells on the floor in three different rooms in our house. Needless to say when Ayden came and got Kirk and I we were not very happy. I fussed at them the best I could in Arabic and then Kirk got the vacuum and gave it to them and we made them clean it all up. I just couldn't believe that they thought it was okay to just spit the shells all over the floor. Guess I still have a lot to learn about culture differences. Anyway, I think after they saw how upset we were that they will not do that again.
Friday, December 10, 2010
the beach
When we left the previous city we headed to the beach for a day. It has been pretty cold in our city in the morning and at night, but the beach was perfect. The girls had a great time in the waves and in the sand. But the next day we came back to the cold.
It has been in the low 40's or high 30's at night, but always warms up during the day. But it was great to have a day at the beach in the warm weather.

It has been in the low 40's or high 30's at night, but always warms up during the day. But it was great to have a day at the beach in the warm weather.

visiting another city
Between kids being sick last month we were able to take a quick trip. We headed north a little to visit this city, it is a pretty big city but not in comparison to the capital, where we live. There are three single ladies living and "working" in this city. They are the only workers in that city. As we looked out over the city, which is in the mountains, our hearts were saddened, thousands upon thousands living in this city, and that doesn't include all the surrounding villages, and only 3 workers. Please remember this place with us, and the many other cities in our country that don't have any one there yet to tell the Story.

annie lynne
Annie Lynne wearing a shirt that was mine when I was her age. The shirt has a picture of me on it when I was around her age, I told her to make the same face I was making, but she couldn't help smiling a little.
I have a picture of all three girls wearing this shirt at that age, and none of them look anything like me.
I have a picture of all three girls wearing this shirt at that age, and none of them look anything like me.

more of Ayden's b-day
It seamed liked Ayden's B-day would never end. Kirk and I could not think of what to get her, so we finally decided to let her go to the toy store and pick something out (within limits). But then everyone got sick so it was a couple of weeks after her actual b-day before we made it to the store. This is what she picked out. Out of everything there she wanted dress-up. Of course her favorite part is the mask. So funny and all three of them have enjoyed this gift.

Well we had an exciting day yesterday!!!
Well the last month has been a little crazy, one reason for no post. All three girls were sick in November and it took us a while to all start feeling better. We were finally on the mend and things were back to "normal" and then yesterday happened! I was pulling up Ayden's hair for her to go to arabic class and saw "them." Couldn't believe it, and our plans quickly changed. Kirk headed to the pharmacy to see what all he could find and I striped all the beds. They all sleep together at night but they nap in all three beds in our house, so the little bugs were not contained to one room. So after stripping all the sheets, I put them in the tub, our washer does not connect to the hot water heater and sense I knew they had to be done in hot water decided the tub was the best or only place for so many sheets. After washing them all in hot water, i still wasn't convinced the water was hot enough, (our hot water heater is only so big and to fill up the tub it had started cooling off) so we boiled water and poured boiling water over all the sheets, surely now the little bugs were dead. Next problem, we only have two hanging lines! So Kirk found some rope and started running lines everywhere. We had sheets and blankets hung all over our little yard. Then he bought some plastic to lay on our roof so we could lay out all "couch" pillows, so they could sun. and thankfully I had saved some big ziplock vacuum seal bags from when we moved, so now all the toys with material or hair are put up for a while.
Long day and another long day today of more clothes and blankets to wash, but today decided to bucket hot water to washing machine, and then poured hot water over.
As for the kids:
We treated their hair and made them sit outside and watch a movie on the computer while we cleaned and got all pillows out of house (picture below). And then to just make sure all eggs were dead we put vinegar in their hair covered with shower cap and then combed out (picture below). Kirk and I also did treatments just in case. But we ran out of vinegar so Kirk went to little store next to our house and all they had was "brown vinegar). it looked same and smelled the same so just figured it was something really close. The girls were done so Kirk was going to do my hair with the vinegar, as he poured it on my head stared burning I tried to leave it, thinking I was just being a baby, but finally couldn't take it and through tears washed my hair out, then we looked at the bottle a little closer and it was about 35% stronger then regular white vinegar. My forehead burned the rest of the night and I was still smelling vinegar this morning. Funny now, the mistakes we make, but last night wasn't so funny. Crazy couple of days, but hopefully all bugs and eggs are dead and gone, and tonight we can sleep with blankets!. Last night dressed the kids in their sweat shirts and pants, because the blankets weren't cleaned yet. What a funny story when it is all over.
Guess from now on I shouldn't let the kids play dress-up especially with scarves with the national neighborhood kids! But o-well it's worth these minor set backs for our kids to have friendships with the nationals, which has opened up doors for Kirk and I to "talk" with their families!

Well the last month has been a little crazy, one reason for no post. All three girls were sick in November and it took us a while to all start feeling better. We were finally on the mend and things were back to "normal" and then yesterday happened! I was pulling up Ayden's hair for her to go to arabic class and saw "them." Couldn't believe it, and our plans quickly changed. Kirk headed to the pharmacy to see what all he could find and I striped all the beds. They all sleep together at night but they nap in all three beds in our house, so the little bugs were not contained to one room. So after stripping all the sheets, I put them in the tub, our washer does not connect to the hot water heater and sense I knew they had to be done in hot water decided the tub was the best or only place for so many sheets. After washing them all in hot water, i still wasn't convinced the water was hot enough, (our hot water heater is only so big and to fill up the tub it had started cooling off) so we boiled water and poured boiling water over all the sheets, surely now the little bugs were dead. Next problem, we only have two hanging lines! So Kirk found some rope and started running lines everywhere. We had sheets and blankets hung all over our little yard. Then he bought some plastic to lay on our roof so we could lay out all "couch" pillows, so they could sun. and thankfully I had saved some big ziplock vacuum seal bags from when we moved, so now all the toys with material or hair are put up for a while.
Long day and another long day today of more clothes and blankets to wash, but today decided to bucket hot water to washing machine, and then poured hot water over.
As for the kids:
We treated their hair and made them sit outside and watch a movie on the computer while we cleaned and got all pillows out of house (picture below). And then to just make sure all eggs were dead we put vinegar in their hair covered with shower cap and then combed out (picture below). Kirk and I also did treatments just in case. But we ran out of vinegar so Kirk went to little store next to our house and all they had was "brown vinegar). it looked same and smelled the same so just figured it was something really close. The girls were done so Kirk was going to do my hair with the vinegar, as he poured it on my head stared burning I tried to leave it, thinking I was just being a baby, but finally couldn't take it and through tears washed my hair out, then we looked at the bottle a little closer and it was about 35% stronger then regular white vinegar. My forehead burned the rest of the night and I was still smelling vinegar this morning. Funny now, the mistakes we make, but last night wasn't so funny. Crazy couple of days, but hopefully all bugs and eggs are dead and gone, and tonight we can sleep with blankets!. Last night dressed the kids in their sweat shirts and pants, because the blankets weren't cleaned yet. What a funny story when it is all over.
Guess from now on I shouldn't let the kids play dress-up especially with scarves with the national neighborhood kids! But o-well it's worth these minor set backs for our kids to have friendships with the nationals, which has opened up doors for Kirk and I to "talk" with their families!

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